36. Did Your Download Numbers Just Tank? Here's Why. [RE AIR]

We're re-airing one of most popular episodes of the Podcircle Podcast this week. If you've notice a big change in your download numbers, tune in — it may not actually mean a drop in listenership!

Did your download numbers drop late last year? We discuss the recent iOS 17 update, its impact on your podcast downloads and why this shift isn't necessarily a sign that your podcast audience is declining — we'll explain everything! We also emphasize the importance of looking beyond download numbers alone to properly gauge a show's success. Join us!

Mentioned in this episode:  Episode 9. Are You "Winning" With Your Podcast?

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01:18 The Impact of Apple's Podcast’s Recent Update
06:01 The Effect on Podcast Metrics
06:27 Looking Beyond Downloads Numbers
10:34 The Importance of Quality Content
11:02 Optimizing Your Show
12:52 Keeping Your Show Top of Mind
14:35 Tracking Your Show's Performance

‼️ Are you feeling stuck with your podcast? Learn about our Podcast Strategy Sessions.


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► We use Transitor.fm to host our podcast and you should, too.

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Creators and Guests

Kyle Cummings
Kyle Cummings
Kyle Cummings is the CEO and Founder of Podcircle, a podcast production agency who partners with New York Times bestselling authors, Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, influencers and everyone in between to produce high-impact podcasts.
Mickenzie Vought
Mickenzie Vought
Mickenzie Vought is an expert podcast content strategist. She is also the Producer and Co-Host of the Living Centered Podcast, a leading emotional wellness podcast.
Premium podcast services for busy people and organizations. Visit Podcircle.com to learn more.
36. Did Your Download Numbers Just Tank? Here's Why. [RE AIR]
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